February 20, 2025
The Outlier
There’s a school district in eastern Ohio where virtually all the students become good readers by the time they finish third grade. Many of the wealthiest places in the country can’t even say that. And Steubenville is a Rust Belt town where the state considers almost all the students “economically disadvantaged.” How did they do it?
Read more at Sold a StoryFebruary 20, 2025
Most school districts have lots of kids who struggle with reading. This one is different.
The third graders in Steubenville, Ohio, are among the best little readers in the nation. For nearly 20 years, 93% or more of them have scored proficient on state reading tests. In fact, the elementary schools in this economically depressed area are producing better readers than some of the wealthiest places in the country.
Read more at APM ReportsFebruary 11, 2025
Covid Learning Losses
This morning, a group of academic researchers released their latest report card on pandemic learning loss, and it shows a disappointingly slow recovery in almost every state. School closures during Covid set children back, and most districts have not been able to make up the lost ground.
Read more at New York TimesFebruary 11, 2025
Most US kids aren’t gaining fast enough in reading and math. These schools are different
The average American student remains half a grade level behind pre-pandemic levels of achievement in both reading and math.
Read more at APFebruary 11, 2025
A deep dive on U.S. reading and math scores, and what to do about them
U.S. students were still nearly half a grade level behind in both math and reading in the spring of 2024, compared with achievement levels before the pandemic. That's according to the latest release of the Education Recovery Scorecard, a data-rich deep dive into student learning.
Read more at NPRAugust 29, 2024
Educational inequality: Post-pandemic patterns and trends
Sean Reardon talks about educational inequalities exacerbated by the pandemic, and what’s needed to chart a path forward.
Read more at School's InJune 26, 2024
Burst in covid spending helped students recover, researchers find
But despite $190 billion sent to K-12 schools, academic achievement lagged behind pre-pandemic levels.
Read more at The Washington PostJune 26, 2024
Federal COVID relief dollars improved student test scores, two new studies find
Did federal pandemic relief dollars improve student achievement? It’s the $190 billion question hanging over American schools as the deadline looms for them to spend the last of the money intended to help them weather pandemic disruptions.
Read more at ChalkbeatJune 26, 2024
Congress poured billions of dollars into schools. Did it help students learn?
America’s schools received an unprecedented $190 billion in federal emergency funding during the pandemic ... did that historic infusion of federal relief help students make up for the learning they missed?
Read more at NPRJune 26, 2024
What the Historic Infusion of Federal Pandemic Aid Did for Schools
Two new analyses of student-achievement data finds some benefits—but also deep inequities—for districts receiving federal recovery money.
Read more at Education WeekJune 26, 2024
Here’s What $200 Billion in Covid Money Did for Students
Federal Covid aid for schools improved test scores, but the impact was modest and many students remain behind, new research finds.
Read more at The Wall Street JournalJune 26, 2024
Studies: Pandemic Aid Lifted Scores, But Not Enough To Make Up for Lost Learning
Two studies independently point to small improvements in student performance due to federal funds. But the authors question if money was 'well spent.'
Read more at The 74June 26, 2024
Schools Got a Record $190 Billion in Pandemic Aid. Did It Work?
Two new studies suggest that the largest single federal investment in U.S. schools improved student test scores, but only modestly.
Read more at The New York TimesMay 20, 2024
School segregation has increased in last 3 decades, study shows
A new study finds that school segregation has increased over the past three decades, particularly in big cities and other large school districts.
Read more at Here & Now (WBUR)May 18, 2024
Some Black families find school options lacking decades after Brown v. Board
Some families describe being torn between schools where their children will feel more included on one hand or schools where they might have better academic opportunities on the other hand.
Read more at APMay 17, 2024
This Map Lets You See How School Segregation Has Changed in Your Hometown
The new interactive tool accompanies a study of school enrollment data, which shows that segregation has worsened in recent decades.
Read more at Smithsonian MagazineMay 15, 2024
Why school segregation is getting worse
Researchers at Stanford University and the University of Southern California found that racial segregation in the country’s 100 biggest school districts, which serve the most students of color, has increased by 64 percent since 1988.
Read more at VoxMay 6, 2024
The unexpected explanation for why school segregation spiked
On eve of the 70th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, a study finds policy choices explain the rise in segregated schools.
Read more at The Washington PostMay 6, 2024
5 Takeaways on School Segregation 70 Years After Brown v. Board
Two sociologists, Sean Reardon at Stanford University and Ann Owens at the University of Southern California, have teamed up to analyze both historical and recent trends [in school segregation].
Read more at Mindshift (KQED)February 9, 2024
K-12 students learned a lot last year, but they're still missing too much school
It's going to take aggressive interventions to repair the pandemic's destructive impact on kids' schooling. That's the takeaway of two big new studies that look at how America's K-12 students are doing. There's some good news in this new research, to be sure – but there's still a lot of work to do on both student achievement and absenteeism.
Read more at NPRFebruary 2, 2024
Learning Recovery Efforts Worked. New Data Show Why States Must Not Let Up
Student test scores are on a path to recovery nearly four years after the pandemic wreaked havoc on K-12 academics, extensive new data analyzed and released by a group of education researchers this week indicate.
Read more at Education WeekFebruary 2, 2024
Academic inequality grows amid recovery from pandemic learning loss
Academic gaps between students from low-income backgrounds and their more affluent peers have widened, even as American students as a whole are making a surprising recovery from the pandemic’s disruptions.
Read more at ChalkbeatFebruary 1, 2024
See How Your School District Is Recovering From the Pandemic
Elementary and middle-school students are recovering from pandemic learning losses, according to a new study by researchers at Stanford and Harvard. But there are huge differences across the country. Some school districts are testing better than in 2019. Many more are still worse off.
Read more at The New York TimesFebruary 1, 2024
Many students have still not regained pandemic-era losses in reading, math: Report
Overall, students managed to recover about one-third of the original loss in math and one-quarter of the loss in reading. While these gains are historic, students are still not where they should be, the researchers found.
Read more at ABC NewsFebruary 1, 2024
Recovery in math, reading scores is underway — but slowly
The deep academic regression American students suffered during the coronavirus pandemic has at last turned a corner, new data show, as scores in reading and math stopped falling last year and began to gain ground.
Read more at Washington PostJanuary 31, 2024
U.S. students are starting to catch up in school—unless they're from a poor area
Elementary and middle-school students have made up significant ground since pandemic school closings in 2020 — but they are nowhere close to being fully caught up, according to the first detailed national study of how much U.S. students are recovering.
Read more at NPRJanuary 31, 2024
Q&A: For students still feeling pandemic shock the clock is ticking—report shows persistent achievement gaps
A new report from the Education Recovery Scorecard, a collaboration between the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard and the Educational Opportunity Project at Stanford University, shows that some states, including Massachusetts, are still struggling to close academic achievement gaps that widened during the pandemic.
Read more at Science XJanuary 31, 2024
Student achievement scores have gone up but remain below pre-pandemic levels
Video interview with Sean Reardon
Read more at NBC Nightly NewsJanuary 31, 2024
Students Are Making a ‘Surprising’ Rebound From Pandemic Closures. But Some May Never Catch Up.
Elementary and middle-school students have made up significant ground since pandemic school closings in 2020 — but they are nowhere close to being fully caught up, according to the first detailed national study of how much U.S. students are recovering.
Read more at The New York TimesJanuary 31, 2024
New Research Shows Academic Recovery Has Started; Action Needed Before Federal Spending Deadline to Ensure Remaining Gaps are Closed
Last year, students in many states made historic gains in math and reading. Still, they made up only one-third of the pandemic loss in math and one quarter of the loss in reading. Even if they maintain last year's pace, students will not be caught up by the time federal relief expires in September. Moreover, the recovery efforts are not closing the gaps between high- and low-poverty districts which widened during the pandemic.
Read more at Street InsiderMay 16, 2023
Opinion Today: The pandemic’s devastating effect on children’s learning
The pandemic was a public health and economic disaster that reshaped every area of children’s lives, but it did so to different degrees in different communities, and so its consequences for children depended on where they lived.
Read more at The New York TimesMay 12, 2023
How much learning did students miss during the pandemic? Researchers have an answer.
New research paints the clearest picture yet of just how much learning students missed during the pandemic, and what it may take to help children in the hardest hit districts to make up ground.
Read more at NPR Morning EditionMay 11, 2023
Op-Ed: Pandemic Learning Losses Were Very Steep. They Don’t Have to Be Permanent.
We have been sifting through data from 7,800 communities in 41 states ... our detailed geographic data reveals what national tests do not: The pandemic exacerbated economic and racial educational inequality.
Read more at The New York TimesNovember 28, 2022
Pandemic Learning Loss: The Role Remote Learning Played
In a sophisticated analysis of thousands of public school districts in 29 states, researchers at Harvard and Stanford Universities found that poverty played an even bigger role in academic declines during the pandemic.
Read more at The New York TimesNovember 23, 2022
The science on remote schooling is now clear. Here’s who it hurt most.
Academic progress for American children plunged during the coronavirus pandemic. Now a growing body of research shows who was hurt the most, both confirming worst fears and adding some new ones.
Read more at The Washington PostNovember 6, 2022
Opinion: No straight line links remote learning to lower achievement
The recent release of national scores showing drops in math and reading sparked criticisms of how long school districts remained virtual during the pandemic. Are those criticisms fair?
Read more at The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionOctober 31, 2022
Students Face Massive Learning Curve After Pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be winding down, the average student is now half a year behind in math skills and a quarter of a year behind in reading skills, a new analysis of standardized test data shows. Districts with mostly poor students were impacted even more severely, according to the recently released Education Recovery Scorecard. “When you have a massive crisis, the worst effects end up being felt by the people with the least resources,” Stanford University researcher Sean Reardon, EdD, told The Associated Press.”
Read more at WebMDOctober 28, 2022
COVID-19 pandemic massively set back learning, especially for high-poverty areas
The COVID-19 pandemic devastated poor children’s well-being, not just by closing their schools, but also by taking away their parents’ jobs, sickening their families and teachers, and adding chaos and fear to their daily lives. The scale of the disruption to American kids’ education is evident in a district-by-district analysis of test scores shared exclusively with The Associated Press.
Read more at PBS NewshourOctober 28, 2022
Stanford-Harvard 'scorecard' translates California's test scores into months of missed learning
A massive data project by researchers at Harvard and Stanford universities, released Friday, has converted national and state test scores into the equivalent measure of learning decline during the pandemic for every school district and student group in California and 28 other states. The interactive data in the Education Recovery Scorecard confirm, in clear and stark terms, the disparities in performance and learning loss among states, districts within states and racial, ethnic and income groups within districts for grades three to eight.
Read more at EdSourceOctober 24, 2022
Math Scores Fell in Nearly Every State, and Reading Dipped on National Exam
U.S. students in most states and across almost all demographic groups have experienced troubling setbacks in both math and reading, according to an authoritative national exam released on Monday, offering the most definitive indictment yet of the pandemic’s impact on millions of schoolchildren.
Read more at The New York TimesAugust 4, 2022
Dallas parents flocking to schools that pull students from both rich and poor parts of town
Whether students in 50/50 schools will continue to achieve at higher rates remains to be seen, but data shows that students in general perform better when they attend socioeconomically diverse schools.
Read more at The Hechinger ReportJune 13, 2022
Stanford and USC Researchers launch new "Segregation Index" tool to track U.S. neighborhood and school segregation
The project shows that since the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision, U.S. schools remain highly segregated by race/ethnicity and economic status, most segregation occurs between school districts (though segregation within districts has also increased over time), and segregation is growing in the nation’s largest districts.
Read more at USC PriceNovember 27, 2021
In Minneapolis Schools, White Families Are Asked to Help Do the Integrating
In a citywide overhaul, a beloved Black high school was rezoned to include white students from a richer neighborhood. It has been hard for everyone.
Read more at The New York TimesAugust 27, 2021
A Discussion with Dr. Sean Reardon about Educational Opportunity in the U.S.
We spoke to Dr. Reardon to learn more about the insights SEDA can offer states, districts, and schools, and how it could help in the work to fight inequality in education.
Read more at The National Center on Education and the EconomyJune 20, 2021
Surprising gains in 5 school districts you’ve never heard of, plus Chicago
Reardon and his team spent four years plotting on graphs nearly all U.S. school districts based on their students’ socioeconomic standing and academic achievement. [Columnist Karen] Chenoweth looked for districts where achievement was better than socioeconomics would have predicted. She visited those places to see what was going on.
Read more at Washington PostJune 10, 2021
The Bureau of Indian Education Hasn’t Told the Public How Its Schools Are Performing. So We Did It Instead
A comprehensive analysis of school performance data by Stanford University’s Educational Opportunity Project, The Arizona Republic and ProPublica reveals for the first time bright spots and problem areas facing an agency that oversees more than 180 schools and dormitories across Indian Country.
Read more at ProPublicaJune 9, 2021
How We Analyzed the Performance of Bureau of Indian Education Schools
Until now, most parents whose children attended schools funded by the federal Bureau of Indian Education couldn’t accurately compare the performance of their school to others. But a comprehensive analysis by Stanford University’s Educational Opportunity Project, The Arizona Republic and ProPublica has filled that gap.
Read more at ProPublicaMarch 2, 2021
Study Finds Parents’ Online School Reviews Correlated with Test Scores and Demographics, Not School Effectiveness
A first-of-its-kind analysis of parents’ reviews of U.S. public K–12 schools, posted primarily from 2009 to 2019 on the popular school information site GreatSchools.org, found that most reviews were written by parents at schools in affluent neighborhoods and provided information that correlated strongly with test scores, a measure that closely tracks race and family income.
Read more at AERAFebruary 22, 2021
To help low-income students, build more affordable housing in high-performing school districts, report says
Massachusetts and other New England states should create more affordable housing in suburbs with high-performing schools to expand educational opportunities for low-income students, according to a report released Monday that said New England has among the widest achievement gaps nationwide.
Read more at Boston GlobeFebruary 17, 2021
Race and the American City
How did American communities become segregated by race and income, and what are the consequences? Which parts of the country are doing better than others? And what policy solutions do we have for segregation and its ill effects? Join the conversation with Stanford education professor Sean Reardon and Ohio State economist Trevon Logan.
Read more at The Ethiscope PodcastJune 29, 2020
A decade of research on the rich-poor divide in education
Sociologists like Sean Reardon at Stanford University and Ann Owens at the University of Southern California have built a body of evidence that school segregation by income is what’s really getting worse in America, not school segregation by race.
Read more at The Hechinger ReportJune 25, 2020
Chamber of Commerce report breaks down education, other opportunity gaps by the numbers
A study released last year by The Educational Opportunity Project at Stanford University concluded — after an examination of tests taken by white, Black and Hispanic students nationwide — that poverty is the common factor impacting U.S. achievement gaps.
Read more at Education DiveJune 23, 2020
Will the 2021 Nation's Report Card Be Another Coronavirus Casualty?
Sean Reardon, professor of poverty and inequality in education at Stanford University, uses NAEP data to track patterns of opportunity and achievement gaps across states. Reardon said he would be concerned about differences in test administrations and different response rates of students in different states, but said without NAEP, even states that are able to administer their own tests next year will not be able to compare their policies and outcomes to those in other states.
Read more at Education WeekJune 16, 2020
School Districts’ Remote-Learning Plans May Widen Student Achievement Gap
The Covid-19 pandemic is arguably the largest disruption America’s K–12 education system has ever faced. For students, this disruption—and the differences in districts’ response to it—will harm academic achievement and likely exacerbate longstanding achievement gaps ... To divide districts by student achievement, I used data from the Educational Opportunity Project at the Stanford Education Data Archive, which offer comparable measures of student math and reading achievement based on state tests from school years 2009 to 2016.
Read more at Education NextApril 15, 2020
Achievement Gaps and Racial Disparities in Special Education
How might U.S. school districts be more appropriately monitored for potential bias in their disability identification practices? We recently examined this by merging and then analyzing three national datasets [including] ... the Stanford Education Data Archive.
Read more at Psychology TodayFebruary 14, 2020
Desegregation in Greenville schools: Achievement gap slowly closing, but inequities persist
Sean Reardon, a researcher at Stanford University, has been studying the correlation between poverty and achievement gaps for years. Reardon and a team of researchers published a study in September that says the achievement gap between minority and white students comes down to achievement gaps between students who live in poverty and those who don't.
Read more at Greenville NewsFebruary 10, 2020
Test scores, learning rates tell different student achievement stories in Michigan’s poorest schools
A study done by researchers at Stanford University, shows the tired tale of poor students scoring lower on standardized tests is still alive in Michigan’s public schools. However, the results also show that some of these poorer districts are improving at rates equal to or higher than more affluent districts.
Read more at Michigan AdvanceFebruary 7, 2020
Mind the achievement gap: California’s disparities in education, explained
A recent study by Stanford researchers found student achievement gaps are mainly driven by school poverty — not a school’s racial composition. 'Racial segregation appears to be harmful because it concentrates minority students in high-poverty schools, which are, on average, less effective than lower-poverty schools,' the study found.
Read more at CalMattersFebruary 6, 2020
How Unequal Discipline Hurts Black Students
Students of color are suspended at disproportionately higher rates than white students and, on average, perform more poorly on standardized tests. But no peer-reviewed nationwide research has documented a link between the two disparities—until now.
Read more at Greater Good Magazine (UC Berkeley)January 7, 2020
Across the U.S., There Are Stark Differences in Opportunity for Students. Accessible Data Tools Can Illuminate These Gaps
The differences between Chatham and Commerce come into sharp relief with new data tools such the Opportunity Explorer by the Education Opportunity Project at Stanford University. This tool allows users to search for all schools in the nation and compare them using the same metrics.
Read more at The 74 MillionJanuary 6, 2020
Salem kids learn more than U.S. average, national Stanford study finds
A first-ever study looking at student test scores across the U.S. found Salem-Keizer students do worse than the average American kid on reading and math tests. Though they improve more year over year, it's not enough to close the gap.
Read more at Salem ReporterNovember 22, 2019
In Mississippi, an Unlikely Model for School Desegregation
The community of Clinton made a bold move in 1971 with its public schools. Nearly 50 years later, the approach is being hailed by educators and researchers alike.
Read more at The Wall Street JournalOctober 17, 2019
Can Big Data Help Us Solve Inequality In Education?
A big data project led by Stanford University's Sean Reardon aims to crack the code on our nation’s stubborn student achievement gaps by mapping race, ethnicity, poverty and academic test scores.
Read more at KALWOctober 4, 2019
To Shrink Achievement Gap, Integrate School Districts
Does segregation still matter? When it comes to educating our nation’s school children, the answer is yes, according to research published last week by the Stanford University Center for Education Policy Analysis.
Read more at The Wall Street JournalSeptember 26, 2019
What are the best schools near you? A new tool from Stanford has the most accurate answer
A decade ago Sean Reardon, a professor at Stanford, embarked on a slightly insane project to compile and standardize test scores from every public school in the US. Having that data, he and his colleagues thought, would reveal the real gaps in achievement between rich and poor, black and white, boys and girls, and other groups.
Read more at QuartzSeptember 24, 2019
U.S. minority students concentrated in high-poverty schools: study
Segregation in U.S. public education has concentrated black and Hispanic children into high-poverty schools with few resources, leading to an achievement gap between minority and white students, a nationwide study showed on Tuesday.
Read more at ReutersSeptember 23, 2019
First National Database of Academic Performance Launches
A new interactive data tool from the Educational Opportunity Project at Stanford University will provide extraordinary access to information about academic performance across schools and districts throughout the United States.
Read more at Harvard Graduate School of EducationSeptember 23, 2019
The Educational Opportunity Project (Stanford Video)
The Educational Opportunity Project at Stanford University is an initiative directed by Sean Reardon aimed at supporting efforts to reduce educational disparities throughout the United States.
Read more at YoutubeSeptember 23, 2019
Poverty levels in schools key determinant of achievement gaps, not racial or ethnic composition, study finds
While racial and ethnic segregation in the nation’s schools is strongly correlated with gaps in academic achievement, the income level of students’ families in a school rather than its racial or ethnic composition account for those gaps, according to a new study.
Read more at EdSourceSeptember 23, 2019
New Data Tool Rates 'Educational Opportunity' Offered in Nation's Schools, Districts
An interactive data tool from the Educational Opportunity Project at Stanford University creates the first database that attempts to measure the performance of every elementary and middle school in the country.
Read more at Education WeekSeptember 23, 2019
Achievement gaps in schools driven by poverty, study finds
High concentrations of poverty, not racial segregation, entirely account for the racial achievement gap in U.S. schools, a new study finds.
Read more at The Washington PostSeptember 23, 2019
School poverty – not racial composition – limits educational opportunity, according to new research at Stanford
Racial segregation leads to growing achievement gaps – but it does so entirely through differences in school poverty, according to new research from education Professor Sean Reardon, who is launching a new tool to help educators, parents and policymakers examine education trends by race and poverty level nationwide.
Read more at Stanford NewsSeptember 23, 2019
An analysis of achievement gaps in every school in America shows that poverty is the biggest hurdle
A Stanford study finds that racial segregation matters because black and Hispanic students are concentrated in high poverty schools.
Read more at The Hechinger ReportOctober 16, 2018
'You Are Still Black': Charlottesville's Racial Divide Hinders Students
About a third of the 25 districts with the widest achievement disparities between white and black students are in or near college towns, according to a review of data compiled by researchers at Stanford University. Affluent families in university towns invest a large proportion of their resources in their children’s education, said Sean Reardon, a professor of education at Stanford.
Read more at The New York TimesAugust 6, 2018
School Policies and the Success of Advantaged and Disadvantaged Students
Important recent work by Reardon and his collaborators shows that not only test scores but also racial test score gaps vary dramatically across American school districts. In this latter paper, Reardon and coauthors report that while racial/ethnic test score gaps average around 0.6 standard deviations across all school districts, in some districts the gaps are almost nonexistent while in others they exceed 1.2 standard deviations.
Read more at Education NextApril 17, 2018
New Chicago schools chief faces challenges despite major strides
Chicago Public Schools, one of the largest school systems in the country, is reporting academic improvement in spite of past troubles. Now city leaders are looking to new CEO Janice Jackson to keep things moving forward. Sean Reardon: "The growth rate from third to eighth grade in Chicago is the fastest among the 100 large districts in the United States. It is number one.
Read more at PBS News HourJanuary 16, 2018
Stanford professor finds income not the main determinant of public school effectiveness
A study by Sean F. Reardon, professor of poverty and inequality in education at the Graduate School of Education, found that socioeconomic status in U.S. public school districts only weakly correlated with growth in students’ average test scores over time. Reardon told Business Insider that students’ rate of test score improvement over time is a better measure of a given school’s effectiveness.
Read more at Stanford DailyJanuary 8, 2018
A Stanford study of 45 million students found something startling about which kids succeed
There are many relatively high-poverty school districts where students appear to be learning at a faster rate than kids in other, less poor districts," Reardon said in a statement. "Poverty clearly does not determine the quality of a school system.
Read more at Business InsiderDecember 5, 2017
Students' early test scores do not predict academic growth over time, Stanford research finds
There are many relatively high-poverty school districts where students appear to be learning at a faster rate than kids in other, less poor districts,” said Reardon, who holds an endowed professorship in Poverty and Inequality in Education. “Poverty clearly does not determine the quality of a school system.
Read more at Stanford ReportDecember 5, 2017
Stanford University study: Rochester schools last in U.S. in growth
A novel, large-scale study from Stanford University shows Rochester-area primary schools are dead last among the 200 largest cities in the country for academic growth. The study, from Stanford's Center for Education Policy Analysis, examines standardized test score results for all Rochester children and reports the apparent progress by cohort year — that is, how much more 2017 eighth-graders know compared to 2016 seventh-graders.
Read more at Rochester Democrat and ChronicleDecember 5, 2017
How Effective Is Your School District? A New Measure Shows Where Students Learn the Most
In the Chicago Public Schools system, enrollment has been declining, the budget is seldom enough, and three in four children come from low-income homes, a profile that would seemingly consign the district to low expectations. But students here appear to be learning faster than those in almost every other school system in the country, according to new data from researchers at Stanford.
Read more at The New York TimesJuly 24, 2017
Some Schools Much Better Than Others at Closing Achievement Gaps Between Their Advantaged and Disadvantaged Students
Important new work by Reardon and his collaborators shows that not only test scores but also racial test score gaps vary dramatically across American school districts. In this latter paper, Reardon and coauthors report that while racial/ethnic test score gaps average around 0.6 standard deviations across all school districts, in some districts the gaps are almost nonexistent while in others they exceed 1.2 standard deviations
Read more at Education NextJuly 7, 2017
Examining the achievement gap between white and black students in Alabama
Stanford's Educational Opportunity Monitoring Project has dug deeply into available data, searching for what other factors beyond poverty might be influencing the black-white achievement gap. Researcher Sean Reardon studied the multiple factors that contribute to the gap, using more than 200 million test scores from schools and districts across the country. Reardon and his fellow researchers wanted to see which factors are most closely correlated with the achievement gap. They looked at two sets of factors that account for about three-fourths of the gap.
Read more at AL.comFebruary 9, 2017
Integration Works. Can It Survive the Trump Era?
The strongest correlates of achievement gaps are local racial/ethnic differences in parental income, local average parental education levels, and patterns of racial/ethnic segregation, consistent with a theoretical model in which family socioeconomic factors affect educational opportunity partly though residential and school segregation patterns.
Read more at The New York TimesMay 4, 2016
Why Is There A Huge Academic-Achievement Gap Between White Students And Their Peers Of Color?
We may be living at a time when education should be readily available for everyone, but knowledge still appears to be hard to come by. A new research suggests that black and Latino students are still a few grade levels behind their white classmates.
Stanford University conducted an educational study on the test scores of around 40 million US students and discovered that students of color had lower scores than white students. In addition to that, the academic-achievement gap between white and colored students was even greater in wealthy university towns like Evanston in Illinois and Berkeley in California.
May 4, 2016
When it comes to student performance, study shows this Massachusetts town is a notch above
Sean Reardon, the author of the Stanford study—”The Geography of Racial/Ethnic Test Score Gaps”—noted that Lexington is among the richest communities in the nation. Just below Lexington on the chart are other wealthy Massachusetts suburbs—including Belmont, Boxborough, Carlisle, Concord, Newton, Shrewsbury, Sudbury and Wincester—all of which achieve more than three grades above the national average. "On average, school districts in Massachusetts, whether they’re poor or middle class or affluent, tend to do better than similar school districts around the country in terms of test scores,” he said.
Read more at Boston.comApril 29, 2016
Money, Race and Success: How Your School District Compares
Mr. Reardon said the analysis should not be used to rank districts or schools. Test scores reflect not just the quality of schools or their teachers, but all kinds of other factors in children's lives, including their home environment; whether they attended a good preschool; traumas they have experienced; and whether their parents read to them at night or hire tutors.
Read more at The New York Times