View charts and maps that show scores on 3 key measures of educational opportunity; filter by demographics, explore opportunity gaps, export reports, and more.
In the News
August 4, 2022
Dallas parents flocking to schools that pull students from both rich and poor parts of town
"Whether students in 50/50 schools will continue to achieve at higher rates remains to be seen, but data shows that students in general perform better when they …"
June 13, 2022
Stanford and USC Researchers launch new "Segregation Index" tool to track U.S. neighborhood …
"The project shows that since the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision, U.S. schools remain highly segregated by race/ethnicity and economic status, …"
November 27, 2021
In Minneapolis Schools, White Families Are Asked to Help Do the Integrating
"In a citywide overhaul, a beloved Black high school was rezoned to include white students from a richer neighborhood. It has been hard for everyone."
August 27, 2021
A Discussion with Dr. Sean Reardon about Educational Opportunity in the U.S.
"We spoke to Dr. Reardon to learn more about the insights SEDA can offer states, districts, and schools, and how it could help in the work to fight inequality in …"
June 20, 2021
Surprising gains in 5 school districts you’ve never heard of, plus Chicago
"Reardon and his team spent four years plotting on graphs nearly all U.S. school districts based on their students’ socioeconomic standing and academic …"
June 10, 2021
The Bureau of Indian Education Hasn’t Told the Public How Its Schools Are Performing. So We …
"A comprehensive analysis of school performance data by Stanford University’s Educational Opportunity Project, The Arizona Republic and ProPublica reveals for …"
June 9, 2021
How We Analyzed the Performance of Bureau of Indian Education Schools
"Until now, most parents whose children attended schools funded by the federal Bureau of Indian Education couldn’t accurately compare the performance of their …"
March 2, 2021
Study Finds Parents’ Online School Reviews Correlated with Test Scores and Demographics, Not …
"A first-of-its-kind analysis of parents’ reviews of U.S. public K–12 schools, posted primarily from 2009 to 2019 on the popular school information site …"
February 22, 2021
To help low-income students, build more affordable housing in high-performing school …
"Massachusetts and other New England states should create more affordable housing in suburbs with high-performing schools to expand educational opportunities for …"
February 17, 2021
Race and the American City
"How did American communities become segregated by race and income, and what are the consequences? Which parts of the country are doing better than others? And …"
June 29, 2020
A decade of research on the rich-poor divide in education
"Sociologists like Sean Reardon at Stanford University and Ann Owens at the University of Southern California have built a body of evidence that school …"
June 25, 2020
Chamber of Commerce report breaks down education, other opportunity gaps by the numbers
"A study released last year by The Educational Opportunity Project at Stanford University concluded — after an examination of tests taken by white, Black and …"
Related Research
Particulates Matter: The Influence of Cumulative Local Air Pollution Exposure on Sixth-Grade Academic Achievement in …
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Racial and Socioeconomic Test-Score Gaps in New England Metropolitan Areas: State School Aid and Poverty Segregation
Parents’ Online School Reviews Reflect Several Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in K–12 Education
Identifying Progress Toward Ethnoracial Achievement Equity across U.S. School Districts: A New Approach
The Reversal of Mount Laurel’s Regional Contribution Agreements and the Impact on White-Black Academic Achievement Gaps …
Effects of Four-Day School Weeks on School Finance and Achievement: Evidence from Oklahoma
Using Pooled Heteroskedastic Ordered Probit Models to Improve Small-Sample Estimates of Latent Test Score Distributions
Universal Access to Free School Meals and Student Achievement: Evidence from the Community Eligibility Provision
Personal Belief Exemptions for School Entry Vaccinations, Vaccination Rates, and Academic Achievement