This page contains a dynamic scatterplot which will load new data as you proceed though the page. These updates will be announced in accordance to your screen reader's implementation of aria-region live.

You can navigate to your desired location via the navigation controls in the map. Or type a location name into the search bar in the header.

Hovering (or on a touch device, tapping) on a location in the map or chart will show an overview of that location’s data. Clicking or tapping on the location will open a Location Panel that shows a full view of all available data, as well as options for viewing other selected locations.

Clicking or tapping on locations will also add them to the Locations menu within the left-side Data Options panel. (You can add an unlimited number of locations.) Click or tap on any location’s tab to highlight it in the map or chart, and the Locations menu.

Scatterplot title
Scatterplot subtitle