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SEDA results may differ from publicly reported state test scores.

States typically report test scores in terms of percentages of proficient students. They may also report data only for a single year and grade or may average the percentages of proficient students across grades. Measures based on the percentage of proficiency are generally not comparable across states, grades, or test subjects, and are often not comparable across years because of differences in the tests administered and differences in states’ definitions of “proficiency.” See the Methods page for more details.

States often rank their schools or provide summary ratings for schools. These may take a number of factors into account, not just test scores. This makes them very difficult to compare across states and grades and over time.

In contrast, the test-score measures we report here are based on more detailed information about students’ test scores. They are adjusted to account for differences in tests and proficiency standards across states, years, and grades.

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