Pivoting from Pandemic Recovery to Long-Term Reform: A District-Level Analysis

Reconciling Recent Evidence on Academic Recovery in the US from 2022 to 2023

The First Year of Pandemic Recovery: A District-Level Analysis

Has the Opioid Crisis Affected Student Learning? A National Analysis of Growth Rates

The distribution of child physicians and early academic achievement

School District and Community Factors Associated With Learning Loss During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Uneven Progress: Recent Trends in Academic Performance Among U.S. School Districts

Trends in Racial Economic Segregation and Its Geographic Decomposition, 1991–2020

Racial Economic Segregation among U.S. Public Schools, 1991-2020
Is Separate Still Unequal? New Evidence on School Segregation and Racial Academic Achievement Gaps

Trends in Racial/Ethnic and Economic School Segregation, 1991–2020

Measuring Segregation With the Normalized Exposure Index

States as Sites of Educational (In)Equality: State Contexts and the Socioeconomic Achievement Gradient

Gender Achievement Gaps in U.S. School Districts

Educational Opportunity in Early and Middle Childhood: Using Full Population Administrative Data to Study Variation by Place and Age

The Relationship Between Test Item Format and Gender Achievement Gaps on Math and ELA Tests in 4th and 8th Grade

Test Score Growth Among Chicago Public School Students, 2009-2014

How much do test scores vary among school districts? New estimates using population data, 2009-2015

Particulates Matter: The Influence of Cumulative Local Air Pollution Exposure on Sixth-Grade Academic Achievement in California

Educational Rights and Wrongs: How COVID-Related Student Math Achievement Losses Distributed and Implications for Equal Educational Opportunity

Differences in educational opportunity predict white matter development

Why Did So Many Public Schools Stay Remote During the COVID Crisis?

Extreme Measures: A National Descriptive Analysis of Closure and Restructuring of Traditional Public, Charter, and Private Schools

District-Level School Choice and Racial/Ethnic Test Score Gaps

How Do Charter Schools Affect System-Level Test Scores and Graduation Rates? A National Analysis

Evaluating Education Governance: Does State Takeover of School Districts Affect Student Achievement?

Racial and Socioeconomic Test-Score Gaps in New England Metropolitan Areas: State School Aid and Poverty Segregation

Parents’ Online School Reviews Reflect Several Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in K–12 Education

Identifying Progress Toward Ethnoracial Achievement Equity across U.S. School Districts: A New Approach

The Reversal of Mount Laurel’s Regional Contribution Agreements and the Impact on White-Black Academic Achievement Gaps Across New Jersey: 2008–2014

Effects of Four-Day School Weeks on School Finance and Achievement: Evidence from Oklahoma

Status, Growth, and Perceptions of School Quality

The opioid crisis and community-level spillovers onto children’s education

Personal Belief Exemptions for School Entry Vaccinations, Vaccination Rates, and Academic Achievement

Universal Access to Free School Meals and Student Achievement: Evidence from the Community Eligibility Provision

Bias in the Air: A Nationwide Exploration of Teachers' Implicit Racial Attitudes, Aggregate Bias, and Student Outcomes

County-Level Rates of Implicit Bias Predict Black-White Test Score Gaps in U.S. Schools

Crime and Inequality in Academic Achievement Across School Districts in the United States

Are Achievement Gaps Related to Discipline Gaps? Evidence From National Data

The Effects of Student Growth Data on School District Choice: Evidence from a Survey Experiment

Immigration Enforcement and Student Achievement in the Wake of Secure Communities
SEDA 2022 Special Release Technical Documentation

Using Pooled Heteroskedastic Ordered Probit Models to Improve Small-Sample Estimates of Latent Test Score Distributions

Can Repeated Aggregate Cross-Sectional Data Be Used to Measure Average Student Learning Rates? A Validation Study of Learning Rate Measures in the Stanford Education Data Archive
Stanford Education Data Archive Technical Documentation

Validation methods for aggregate-level test scale linking: A case study mapping school district test score distributions to a common scale

Using Heteroskedastic Ordered Probit Models to Recover Moments of Continuous Test Score Distributions from Coarsened Data

Practical Issues in Estimating Achievement Gaps from Coarsened Data